Guide to Grahical representations

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These keyboard characters will convert Smileys to a graphical representation on the Message Board:

Keyboard charactersDescriptionSmiley
haha..Very happy
:facelickFace lick
:love2Love 2
:movingeyesMoving eyes
:roflRoll on floor laughing
:rofl2Roll on floor laughing 2
:nofaceNo face
:rockRock Band
:guitar1Guitar 1
:guitar2Guitar 2
:djDisc Jockey
:jackJack in the Box
*nonoNo no!
:rightonRight on!
*phone2Phone 2
*bandBand 3
*mwaveMexican Wave
*roflROFL 3
*tongueTongue 2
*paulHmmm, I wonder
*conveyConveyor belt
*grinsantaBig Grin Santa
*crazysantaCrazy Santa
*borgdBorg drone
*flameFlame head
:alanCan't remember
*alan2Can't remember