Eggs, Get your eggs, here! Fresh and white eggs are here! Wiggly jiggle, yellow middle That's the best of what your are I love you eggs! White and tender, surround the center. Cozy, sitting in the crackling shell I love you Vitamin, mineral, proteins... something Oodle, doodle Popular and perfect and So complete in every way! I love you Egg, Egg Come in to my tummy, Oh so very yummy. Crack, crack, crack, Chip a chip away your shell and come to me. Get your eggs! I love you Fresh egg! I love you White eggs Really really love you so Eggs, fresh fresh eggs. Eggs, I really love you like the sky above Eggs are the best! I love you Fresh egg! I love you White eggs Really really love you so Eggs, fresh fresh eggs. Three hundred and sixty five days I really love you so I really love you so Yummy.