Movie is provided by Curt Boyll
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Here is a Quicktime movie (32 MB .mov) of the first flight of an RC model airplane that was designed in X-Plane. The airfoils and wing configuration were quite different than any other aircraft, and there was no reason to think it would fly. Yes, X-Plane was absolutely no help at all in deciding how much of what grade of balsa to use where, nor was it helpful in creating the ribs for the balsa built-up wings with NACA 23012 and 65-418 airfoils, or getting the engine, radio, pushrods and bellcranks to work. But that was all the easy part. The HARD part was taking the leap of faith that it would be worth building, and that it would fly. Because X-Plane said it would. The screenshot shows how the concept might look in full size, with a PW610 turbofan instead of a .61 cu-in. 2 stroke.

If movie does not load, please PM me as I'm beta testing something